TikTok Services

Holistic Social Influence

TikTok Influencer Marketing Agency

TikTok Is Reshaping the Face of Brand and Product Marketing

The Swiss audience is vast and growing fast. TikTok is already the number one place to communicate, interact and connect with Gen Z and young millennials. Get ready to the new home where young consumers and successful brands reconnect.

TikTok has been taking the world by storm as the most downloaded app in 2020 (850 million downloads) and so far also in 2021. Its success cannot be overlooked as people and brands are rapidly embracing the platform as a preferred source of entertainment and self expression or as a new and highly unique way to connect with each other (Forbes).

Contact Us

We Don’t Make Ads, We Make TikToks

TikTok ‘advertising‘ distinguishes itself from other forms of advertising by its uniquely creative, people-centric, community-relevant and authentic approach that fits particularly well with the ad-adverse generation Z. Working with dozens of leading TikTok-centric content creators, our expert team delivers and implements high-performing TikTok ad strategies.

Building a Strong TikTok Presence? We Get It Done for You.

Developing and implementing a successful TikTok strategy will generate multiple tangible benefits, today and in the future. Even if Gen Z and young millennials are not your current customers, they are certainly your customers of tomorrow. TikTok allows you to get a head start in the constant race for market leadership.

Our TikTok expert team is here to help you get ahead and win the race.

Account Setup
Content creation & posting
Content boosting
TikTok ads

TikTok for Businesses Works

TikTok is the new battleground for the hearts and minds of consumers, now and for the future. Here is why your brand should be active and stand out on TikTok.

Future Consumers
TikTok is the most beloved platform of Gen Z and young millennials, together the most purchase-powerful generations ever to have lived. No matter the age target group of your brand, nurture younger generations today to win the competitive battles of tomorrow.
Unique Users
Over 55% of TikTok users are not on Facebook, the majority does not use Snapchat and over a third doesn’t have an Instagram profile.
Brand Visibility
Create the right content and TikTok does all the rest for you thanks to its powerful algorithms. For brands who want a little more various advertising options exist, which reach up to 19% engagement rate and 18% click-through rate.
Consumer Engagement
TikTok users are very active and engage intensively with content they like, with average engagement rates often being multiple times the average engagement rates achieved on other platforms. Successful branded content generates a unique, immediate positive impact on brand image.
Decision & Purchase
57% of TikTok users say the platform constantly inspires them to purchase products and services and the majority of users want to also be able to buy these products directly on the platform.
Marketing Impact
No other marketing method has been shown to boost crucial marketing metrics like brand or product awareness like TikTok campaigns according to studies done by TikTok in collaboration with Kantar.

TikTok Ad Placements for Your Brand to Shine

We Work With All Major Social Media Platforms and Know Them Inside Out

We partner and work closely together with leading social media platforms, specifically TikTok, Facebook and Instagram, to always bring our clients the latest and the best of what social media has to offer.


TikTok Switzerland in Numbers

monthly video views
active users in Switzerland
users are 14 to 24 years old
avg. daily minutes spent in app

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