Trends Guide 2024 Q2

Top 5 digital marketing trends for Q2 2024 and how to quickly join in

Influencer marketing and beyond

Welcome back to the second installment of our quarterly Digital Marketing Trends Guide. We’ve investigated the latest trends and shared how you can leverage them to engage with our audiences and build digital brand equity.

Here are our top 5 digital marketing trends for Q2 2024 you need to know about:


Eager to learn more? Check out the full digital marketing trends for 2024 Q2 and download our Trends Guide below!

Trends Guide 2024 Q2

Questions? Reach out to us anytime. Click here to find out more about our Digital Influence Programs and our expertise within the field and beyond.

Trends Guide 2024 Q1

Top 5 digital marketing trends for Q1 2024 and how to adopt to build brand equity.

Influencer marketing and beyond

At Kingfluencers, we’re fortunate to work in a dynamic industry that’s constantly evolving. We often leverage new approaches to help our clients engage with their audiences and build digital brand equity. In this new, quarterly trends guide, we’ll investigate the latest trends and – most importantly – how you can adopt them.

Here are our top 5 digital marketing trends for Q1 2024 you need to know about:


Eager to learn more? Check out the full digital marketing trends for 2024 Q1 and download our Trends Guide below!

Questions? Reach out to us anytime. Click here to find out more about our Digital Influence Programs and our expertise within the field and beyond.

How to Become An Influencer in 2025 [Success Roadmap]

Influencer marketing is an important marketing strategy that continues to grow. It is no longer limited to a select few businesses or agencies, but has become a marketing channel accessible to all brands.

As of 2021, the global influencer marketing market value had more than doubled since 2019, standing at around 13.8 billion U.S. dollars.

More brands recognize the power of influencer marketing and seek out influencers who can help them generate meaningful connections with their target audience. 

That means more opportunities for influencers – for you – to make money!

If you’re looking to become an influencer, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll go over the steps of becoming an influencer one by one. Keep reading to begin your journey to becoming an influencer.

Table of Contents

  • Is becoming a social media influencer the right choice for you?
  • Ask these questions before you decide to become an influencer
  • How to get started as an influencer
  • How to brand yourself as an influencer
  • How to establish authority as an influencer
  • How to work as an influencer
  • How to grow and remain popular after you’ve become an influencer
  • How to get paid as an influencer
  • Conclusion

Is becoming a social media influencer the right choice for you?

Becoming a social media influencer sounds like a great career choice – let’s find out if it’s really the right one for you.

Are you excited about making a difference?

If you become an influencer, you have an opportunity to leave your imprint on the world. You decide which causes to support, be it sustainable brands or charitable businesses. You can use your influence to spread your positive values to the world.

Would you love to have a community of people who rally around you?

If you have no problem standing in the spotlight and taking responsibility for your loyal followers, becoming a professional influencer could be perfect for you. 

Would you like the financial freedom of working for yourself? 

To not be tied down by rigid work hours or office dress codes, or having to stay in one place all the time?

Becoming an influencer can allow you to turn something you are passionate about into a career, basically getting paid to make content about something you enjoy.

Sounds like a good plan! That’s the promise that becoming an influencer holds. 


Ask these questions before you decide to become an influencer

Of course, all these benefits do not simply appear because you’ve decided that you’re going to do this. 

Understand that if you become an influencer, you are turning yourself into a business. If you are serious about earning the benefits, you have to be serious about the work, too!

So, before you start, please ask yourself the following questions:

Are you willing to do what it takes?

As an influencer, you’re going to have to do a lot of tasks: 

  • Creating your strategy
  • Dressing up 
  • Filming your content 
  • Editing 
  • Writing captions 
  • Scheduling your content
  • Publishing 
  • Engaging with your audience
  • Promoting and managing your brand
  • Networking and reaching out

and much more. All this will take you a lot of time! 

Food Influencer

Are you willing to make that investment?

Will you have the patience that’s required to grow your brand?

Again, it will take time to grow your followers and build up an empire – your piece of the web – as an influencer. That’s where you’ll need the patience to keep executing your strategy and keep publishing, even when your audience is not yet as big as you want it to be.

Do you have the passion and motivation to keep serving your audience?

If you want to be an influencer who is successful long-term, you need to find a way to stay motivated – you owe it to your followers. 

You can do this if you have passion for the topic you’re making content about and you genuinely want to help and entertain the audience. 

Ask yourself: Is that you?

What will it take for you to make enough money to be able to make this a full time gig, or at least a solid side hustle?

Be realistic and set a sensible goal – and you won’t be caught off-guard later when the numbers don’t match what you were hoping for right away.

The influencers we’re working with are making on average at least CHF 200 per sponsored post. 

(This is if you have several thousand engaged followers who love you, and you manage to connect with brands who feel that your content is a good fit.)

Now you can do the math and see how much work it would take to make the income that you’re aiming for. Of course, as you grow your reach and your authority, you will be able to command higher rates.

What type of influencer do you want to be? Nano, Micro, Macro, or Mega?

In influencer marketing, bigger isn’t always better. 

Brands are starting to see the value of smaller influencers – they have higher engagement and the trust of their followers. 

This means that even as a smaller influencer, you will be able to get brand deals that make you good money.

“The findings of four experimental studies show that micro-influencers (those who have 10,000 to 100,000 followers) are more persuasive than mega-influencers (those who have more than 1 million followers) because endorsements by micro-influencers (versus mega-influencers) bestow higher perceptions of authenticity on the endorsed brand, which ‘rubs off’ from the perceptions regarding influencer authenticity.”

The different sizes of influencer you could become are:

Under 5k followers. 
This is where you will probably start out. 
Examples: Debora Sarai in the DIY and home niche. Alenis Lima in the beauty/fashion and lifestyle niche.

5k-100k followers. 
Examples: Adela Smajic in the Beauty/fashion, lifestyle and travel niche. Alayah Pilgrim in the sports, health and fitness niche. Carlo Janka in the sports, outdoors and family niche. 

100k-1m followers. 
As your following grows, more opportunities will come in, but it will also take more time and effort to manage your brand. 
Examples: Kevin Lütolf in the fashion and technology niche. Zoë Pastelle in the fashion and entertainment niche. Zeki aka Zekisworld in the comedy and automotive niche.

Over 1 million followers. 

These are typically actors, musicians, and other A-list celebrities. 

Your content might never get you into this category (and maybe you don’t even want that), but if you do, hey, good luck! Also, you might make up to $1 million per sponsored post

Examples: Daniela Pintto in the lifestyle and mumlife niche. Marco aka swiss.beautiful_ in the landscape, outdoors, travel niche. Alisha Lehmann in the sports and travel niche.

Have you answered these questions to clarify what lies ahead on your path to becoming an influencer on social media? 

Then you’re ready to get started!

We’ve created this roadmap to help you on your way, and to get you to the point where you can call this your job! Maybe you’ll even end up working with us in the future. Let’s dive into your journey.

How to get started as an influencer

Travel Influencer

Find your niche

We recommend that when you start your career on social media, you pick a niche. It makes sense to narrow down quite a bit. 

What does that mean? 

Especially in the beginning, you want to be known for your work in a specific space. That way, your audience will associate you with this space as you post more about it.

People are more likely to follow you if they know what to expect from your content. 

Focus and fine-tune your niche, and it will be much easier to grow your followers and be seen as an expert in that niche.

Now, what niche should you pick?

Passion & Knowledge

If you have an existing passion – maybe even a good level of experience and skill – you could pick that to give yourself a head start and be more motivated to create content around that niche.

Popularity and Monetizability

From a business standpoint, it makes sense to find a niche that is trending or at least growing steadily and in which brands are willing to spend money to advertise. 

We have compiled ten of the most popular and profitable social media niches for you below:

  • 1. Technology
  • 2. Fashion
  • 3. Health & Fitness
  • 4. Food & Cooking
  • 5. Business & Making Money
  • 6. Lifestyle
  • 7. Beauty
  • 8. Parenting
  • 9. Pets
  • 10. Travel

Find the one that aligns with your interests and knowledge, is popular and monetizable, and has an audience that you could engage with long term.

Choose the right platform to start

Which platform should you become an influencer on? 

We recommend you start on just one platform – preferably the one where your audience spends the most time – so that you can focus and grow your following most effectively. 

Of course, you can expand your business later and join multiple other platforms!

Try to understand who your audience is first:

  • Which age group are you targeting with your influencing campaign?
  • What’s their average income level?
  • What’s their gender, percentage-wise?
  • What’s their family situation?
  • What are their hobbies and interests?
  • Which circles and communities are they in?

The answers to these will guide you towards the platform you could start out on. As an example, if you’re in the knitting niche, you could start posting on Pinterest. If you’re a gamer, start a Twitch account. Model trains, Facebook. Etc. This information changes over time, and there are many factors to consider in selecting the right platform. 

Following is a quick snapshot of which platforms make the most sense for you to be on as an influencer, depending on your niche:

Widest adoption among all demographics, but is trending older, and a wealthier audience. Good for niches that have a middle-aged audience.

Good for more intellectual niches such as writing, business, and self-improvement.

The #1 platform if you want to become an influencer in the world of business and money making.

Mostly female audience. Perfect for arts & crafts, among others.

A very visual platform that is perfect for many niches, including fashion, travel, food, and pets. The audience is slightly younger.

Has the youngest audience. But the platform is now also becoming more interesting for older generations. Best if you are focused on your specific audience, and you are able to capitalize on trends. 

Social Media Platforms

Prepare your profile

After you’ve picked your niche and the platform you’re going to start out on, you’ll need to create and optimize your social media profile.

Switch to a business account

If you want to be an influencer, you should upgrade to a business account because it gives you a lot more possibilities – namely for analytics and monetization. You can create a business account in the profile settings of most networks, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. 

Create a fantastic bio

When someone visits your profile, the first thing they see is your bio. You want to make sure you’re making a great first impression! 

Your biography should explain your narrative in a compelling way. It should also include all relevant information about you, such as your full name, address, phone number, and areas of expertise.  

Add a profile pic and banner/cover photo

You should also include a profile photo and a cover photo, as these are crucial components of your own brand identification. 

People frequently recognize a social network profile by its profile photo, so choose one carefully. Also, make sure your face is visible, and the photo is high quality.

How to brand yourself as an influencer

What is your influencer personality? You should be able to pin-point the qualities and characteristics that set you apart from others in your niche on social media. People like to follow someone who has a strong and interesting personality.

It doesn’t mean you have to invent a new personality for yourself. 

Ideally, you authentically express what’s interesting and special about you. Of course, with social media, you will want to emphasize the most compelling aspects of your personality, but you should never be fake. 

Simply go more into what already makes you special naturally.

Your personal brand

You also want to be thinking about creating your personal brand. This means you take your influencer personality and your angle on content and turn it into a recognizable brand.

How do you create your personal brand and make it stand out?

  • Convey a similar vibe with images and videos: They are created in a similar way, use the same filters etc.
  • Purposely use your own, consistent color scheme in your profile and your marketing materials.
  • Have your own way of talking and addressing your followers in your content and captions – brand tone is consistent
  • Have a special name for your followers
  • Create a logo and slogan that people recognize instantly
  • And most importantly, your personal brand is telling a story – one that is compelling and resonates with the audience.

Here’s what Antonella Patitucci, Actress, Presenter, Coach and Content Creator, had to say about how important it is that you tell stories as an influencer:

“The value is in telling your own story and putting emotion behind it. Give the product a face so people can relate. Share your unique story and opinion. A product alone is a picture, but with you and your story, it’s like a movie.”
We couldn’t agree more. So start telling a unique story, and you will start creating a strong personal brand for yourself that people will want to follow.

How to establish authority as an influencer

You’ve picked your niche, you’ve thought about your branding… now it’s time to build your expertise! 
Your goal should be to become an authority on the topic you’re making content on. 
You want your audience to look up to you, trust what you’re saying about the topic, and follow your recommendations.

How are you going to build your authority?

Study your niche

Start by researching everything that’s out there on your niche on the internet to get a good overview of what you’re going to make content about. 
Subscribe to relevant podcasts. Read any available books and print publications around the topic. 

Establish your web presence

In addition to your social media profile, consider setting up your own website as well.
This will give you another chance to advertise your personal brand and show off your portfolio. 
It’s a signal that you are a professional and will give you even more authority as an influencer.

Start networking in your industry

Go to conferences. Reach out to other influencers in your niche. Communicate, find peers and mentors, and collaborate with others. 
Not only will this make you an insider with even more knowledge about your niche, it will also increase your status

How to work when you’re an influencer

Now, how do you go about your daily work as an influencer? How do you know what to post, when to post it, and how often to post?

To keep up with creating content and to make sure that you have an awesome social media profile that keeps growing, we recommend that you first create a content strategy.

Your content strategy

First, establish a posting schedule. Decide how often you’re going to post in order to keep your followers engaged – while not burning yourself out. Keep in mind how much time creating just one social media post can take!

Then, decide on the types of content you’re going to be posting regularly. This can, and maybe should, be different types of posts on different days. Depending on the platform, you have the choice between:

  • Videos (short-form, long-form, stories)
  • Pictures
  • Audio
  • Infographics
  • Text

Finally, the content topic
What topics are you going to cover? What angle are you going to take with your content?
Note all these things down in your strategy document. Now you know exactly what to post each week.

Study your analytics

Executing on the publishing strategy you just created is a great start – but it’s not everything. 
You should also learn from each post you make. Do this by studying your analytics. With a business account, you will have access to those statistics. 

  • Each week, look at how your posts have performed. 
  • How many people saw your post? 
  • How much did they engage with it? 
  • How many likes did it get? 
  • If it was a sponsored post, did it resonate with people?
  • What could you do to make even better content next time?

How to grow and remain popular after you’ve become an influencer

Apart from your short-term strategy, be prepared to stay on top of the game in the long term.

How do you do that?

  • Nurture your community. Do this by running special campaigns, like challenges, surveys, and giveaways; fun initiatives that keep your audience on their toes and excited about hearing from you.
  • Know your audience intimately. Keep studying your followers. What are their goals? Their deepest desires? What makes them tick? Know all this… then try to satisfy those desires with your content!
  • Stay ahead of trends. If you always keep your personal brand relevant to the times, you won’t have to worry about people becoming bored with your content and unfollowing. On the contrary, you will keep them engaged with fresh stuff and your following will only keep growing!
  • Always engage & be present. You should treat your followers like your tribe, maybe even like a second family. This means you’ll always be there to reply to their comments, answer their questions and offer support.

“It’s easy to get blinded by vanity metrics such as big numbers of views and followers. It’s not about the number of followers you have. What matters is the quality of the connection you make with your audience.” – Marvin Sangines, Personal Branding Advisor at Kingfluencers

How to get paid as an influencer

We saved the most exciting part for last: 

How you’re going to get paid and hopefully at some point make a full-time income as a social media influencer! 

In most cases, this will mean that you’re going to be working with brands and promoting their products in your content.

How are you going to find those brands? 

The first option is to make a list of brands you would like to work with. Then research their marketing department and email them about working together.

The other option is to apply to an influencer marketing agency, who usually has a large network of brands they work with. They’ll take on the work of contacting the brands that are the right fit for you. This should be at no cost to you, because the agency will get paid by them and not you. It’s a good option if you want to spare yourself the extra stress of having to find and pitch brands, on top of all the other tasks you have to do as an influencer.

How much will you make? 

Anywhere between CHF 200 and CHF 10’000 per post. Obviously, expect to start on the low end of that scale if you just started your influencer career.

How many followers do you need to start getting paid? 

This differs, depending on your niche and other factors. We usually advise you to build your brand to at least 2500 followers and then apply for your first brand deals.

Let’s do it!

Is being an influencer worth it? 
We say absolutely yes – now that you know what goes into becoming one and how to do it, you can decide if it’s for you.
Keep in mind that getting results is a process that takes time and effort. As a result, you shouldn’t expect to become a social media influencer overnight.
However, if you continue to follow these guidelines, you will be able to become an influencer and earn money doing it. 

We wish you good luck on that journey!

To keep up to date on the newest influencer marketing information and trends, sign up for the Kingfluencers newsletter or reach out to us anytime.If you’re already over 2500 followers and think you have what it takes, you can apply with us as an influencer here!

Author: Megan Bozman, Owner @Boz Content Marketing

Free Ebook – Connecting the Dots: Guide to Omnichannel Digital Storytelling for Brands

Although the term “storytelling” is (over)used non-stop in marketing circles, it sometimes feels like a mythical creature many talk about but few ever really see. One thing we know is that stories work.

In our Ebook about Omnichannel Storytelling, you will find every important aspect to step up your storytelling game to connect even more with your audience.

Downloadable Content

Click here to find out more about our influencer marketing and here for our social media services.

Free Guide – 13 Social Media & Influencer Marketing Trends to Look For Now

Looking at the title of this guide, you might be thinking: trends come and go as fast as Instagram Stories. Why should my brand keep up with social media/influencer marketing trends?

As Facebook (now Meta) founder Mark Zuckerberg once said, “If we can figure out what the next big trends are, we’ll know what to focus on.” Predicting upcoming trends can be one of the most important factors in planning your next digital marketing campaigns. Kingfluencers experts and their content creators have selected the top 13 social media trends brands should pay attention to.

Downloadable Content

Click here to find out more about our influencer marketing and here for our social media services.

How to Communicate Responsibly as an Influencer About War and Crises.

We all want to be part of a community where we treat each other with consideration and communicate transparently. As an influencer, you have a special role in this. Because with your reach and influence on social media, you are a role model for others and inspire your community with your content every day. In this article, we’ll show you what that means and how you can consciously use your role, your work and your influence in times of crisis.


If you have followers, you have responsibility. You influence others with what you post and share. Your comments and contributions to discussions also have an impact. Social media is used by many to get information and find a community. Be aware of your influence and use it for good.

(Excerpts from the Conscious Influence Hub Code of Conduct)

Check then post

Credibility is your greatest asset. When you post or comment, stay factual and be
critical of your sources. If you are not sure, wait and ask someone whose opinion you
trust or contact the author.

(Excerpts from the Conscious Influence Hub Code of Conduct)

Protect privacy

Before posting pictures and content of other people, make sure you have their consent. Therefore, please do not share images of victims and injured people.

(Excerpts from the Conscious Influence Hub Code of Conduct)

(Advertising) Break

Take time off if you need it. It’s okay to not post anything and take the time to reflect. You can also ask your collaborations to postpone or take a break if you want to use the time for yourself or current topics. Also, consider donating your fee.

Full attention

Our attention span is very short. Therefore, use the attention of your community on your feed consciously. When you report on sensitive and current topics on your feed, do it with 100% conviction and willingness. This means that you dedicate that day completely to the topic and don’t switch back to Daily Business and Life in the next slide. This weakens the message and makes it fall into oblivion faster.

We are human beings

People have feelings and make mistakes. Whether you’re sad, overwhelmed, scared, or feeling powerless, your feelings are okay to show or share. It’s even better if you have someone you can talk to about it in person.

For more valuable tips on how you can promote respect, empathy and transparency in influencer marketing on social media, visit the Conscious Influence Hub.

Finally, we’d like to share this illustration from @krikelakrak.

Author: Anja Lapčević, Co-CEO Kingfluencers

What to Do When Influencer Marketing Goes Wrong

Full disclosure: we’re a marketing services firm specializing in social media and influencer marketing. As such, we are convinced that influencer marketing is an authentic, innovative, and forward-looking form of advertising which suits many brands. More than advertising, it is a storytelling approach that generates real impact. 

But we’re not going to pretend sh*tstorms never happen. Instead, in this article, we’ll cover how to avoid problems, and what to do if they occur.

Avoid IM Landmines by Making Influencer Matches as Perfect as Possible 

The ability to select specific influencers provides exceptional targeting capabilities. Influencer choice must align with your brand’s message and values, as well as your campaign objectives. When you conduct due diligence, also be on the lookout for influencers who might have the potential to offend your audience, or who are prone to impulsive or deliberately shocking actions. 

Authenticity is always a good best practice, and by working with credible influencers who use and genuinely like your products, you can avoid backlash due to compromised trust. Many questioned the fit and authenticity of the 2005 Carl’s Jr ad featuring the very thin Paris Hilton eating a huge hamburger for example. Makes sense! Often common sense already goes a long way as well. There must be a clear link between your brand and the person in order to keep your IM campaigns real. People connect with people, not logos. So the more the audience can relate to the person, the higher the engagement factor.

Snack brand BiFi worked with Donna Adrienne in what was considered one of the most embarrassing influencer campaigns of the year 2018. One Instagram post featured the Heidelberg medical student naked in a bathtub, covered in bubbles, smiling while eating a mini salami. A Horizont article satirically stated, “Because it is so obvious and convenient to tear open a sausage pack during a relaxing bath and eat an oily salami.” While this is an example of influencer marketing gone wrong, it was not a paid promotion. BiFi sent Donna Adrienne free samples in response to her inquiry, but the promotion wasn’t discussed with BiFi and therefore didn’t align with their marketing strategy. Nevertheless as the audience and critics did not know this BiFi and Donna Adrienne were criticized for not indicating that the content was advertising and thus in violation of the guidelines surrounding influencer marketing. The lesson is to be very careful and apply the rules correctly at any time. When in doubt, rather take the road of caution and indicate that a post is part of a collaboration – independent of the exchange behind it. 

influencer marketing wrong

Additionally, with long-term collaborations, you establish an enduring relationship of trust between your brand and selected influencers. This creates real value by giving a credible face to your brand, such as Mujinga Kambundji, the fastest woman in Switzerland and Nike. By associating liked people to the brand, people feel closer to the brand and connect more to it, ultimately building positive brand preference.

As your relationship with the influencers grows stronger and they come to know the brand in detail, the risk of mistakes gets lower. Be aware however that at the same time these influencers become such a part of your brand that missteps can cause little shockwaves. It is thus important to continuously keep managing the relationship with your brand ambassadors and assure that they are aware of what is happening with the brand as well as the role they play in your success and how to play that role to their best abilities.

The closer you work with them the more positive the outcomes of your collaboration will be over time. Get the most out of these relationships by investing the time and effort, because it’s worth it.

Fit with Former Collaborations

In addition to the fit between a brand and an influencer, problems can arise when a single influencer promotes multiple brands with contradictory values.

For example, a health-conscious influencer might be a good fit for a campaign against alcohol, but make sure their feed doesn’t have a previous promotion of beer. A sustainability app such as Greenpeace might want to avoid influencers who’ve previously collaborated with non-sustainable brands.

An Experiment to Determine if Influencers Will Do Anything for Money

Recently, Marvin Wildhage, a German Youtuber, created a fake skincare product, Hydrohype, complete with a fake PR firm and attempted to convince influencers to promote it. The face cream was actually made out of personal lubricant and listed with fake ingredients, like uranium, asbestos, and “pipikaka seed oil.”

An Experiment to Determine if Influencers Will Do Anything for Money

Spoiler alert – he succeeded, and a few well-known German influencers promoted Hydrohype in their Instagram stories. Martin told the story in a series of videos, with more to come.

It’s easy to dismiss these influencers as gullible and greedy, but we shouldn’t be too quick to condemn them for accepting payment in exchange for promoting a product. One solution is for influencers to work with an agency, that can protect them from this type of scam since professional influencer marketing agencies conduct extensive research prior to doing business with any brand. Rest assured the vast majority of influencers are highly trustworthy professionals adhering to clear ethical standards and taking their job very seriously. But for the few ‘rotten apples’ in the basket you can rest assure that industry professionals will shield you from those. Top agencies know exactly who is who in the influencer ecosystem and have a tested working relationships with influencers they engage with. 

Negotiate & Write Contracts Carefully

Like service agreements with any vendor, contracts with influencers must be written carefully. Of course, contracts must include details like payment terms and content rights. To help avoid disaster, also include clauses within the statement of work, such as: 

  • Process for approving posts for quality control before go live
  • Steps to take if they make mistakes, resulting in a negative backlash
  • Provisions and pricing for any re-work needed

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but still include crisis management procedures in your contracts in case the sickness should strike.

Give Influencers Creative Freedom, but Monitor Campaign Details Carefully

Kingfluencers consistently advises letting influencers do what they do best. Don’t use influencers strictly as a vehicle for connecting to your audience, but instead leverage their subject matter expertise and collaborate to develop creative campaign ideas. Give them a precise briefing and direction (including a creative concept for consistency and guidance), but as much freedom as you can at the same time.

Give Influencers Creative Freedom, but Monitor Campaign Details Carefully

That being said, once they bring fresh, creative ideas to the table, approve those posts prior to going live. While we encourage brands to resist the urge to simply tell influencers how to do their job, we do encourage you to supervise and grant final approval before messages are communicated out to your audience, at least for influencers you do not have a long standing relationship with yet.

Invest the time to monitor if you want to spot errors. Influencers must include many things in each post such as hashtags, swipe up links, tags, and tracking links. It’s a lot of work to check it all. Careful campaign management is another way in which an agency can be particularly helpful, such as providing quality control for posts and approval of content before it goes live.

When Precautious Fail & You’re Facing Backlash

Expect the best, but plan for the worst. While no brand begins an IM campaign expecting a crisis, it’s important to make plans and be prepared. Working with people always means mistakes can be made. No one is perfect, don’t forget that. Crisis management plans should include:

  • Affected stakeholders
  • Type of crisis
  • Crisis levels
  • Designated crisis communicator
  • Who to contact
  • Procedures, including reach out, remove the post, and apologize (if relevant)

Outline steps influencers must take if any content generates negative backlash, such as for example apologizing and engaging in activities necessary to remedy the damage, such as making additional posts.

  1. Delete the offending content
  2. Don’t pretend it was never online. Denial can lead to additional backlash!
  3. Own up to it and apologize where needed
  4. A statement from the influencer can also go a long way in smoothing things over 
  5. Determine the necessary actions and take them, this might include separating the influencer and terminating the working relationship
  6. Post an update letting your audience know the status

Even if the mistake was entirely on the influencer side, know that as a brand you always should pick up responsibility. That also means that trashing the influencer will not help in times of a crisis and might actually make you look bad. Keeping a positive and constructive posture always works best. Never go low as it could affect the way your brand is perceived. 

When Precautious Fail & You’re Facing Backlash

Based in Switzerland, the Conscious Influence Hub (CIH) is a non-profit NGO that encourages conscious behavior in influencer marketing. Working together, Kingfluencers and the new CIH recently launched a new Code of Conduct for influencers which supports them in acting with respect, empathy and transparency. 

Some of the guidance which can help both brands and influencers avoid problems includes, “Stay factual and check your sources. Credibility is your greatest asset. Be honest and transparent. Respect the rules of the analogue world online.”

Mistakes are Opportunities to Learn

It’s important to remember that mistakes are also opportunities to learn and grow as an influencer and a brand. It can help you challenge yourself and your business, and make improvements. It is harmful to not learn from one’s own mistakes and those of others and simply carry on as nothing happened. Instead, one should draw lessons, define actions, and share the results. This is how one remains credible and human.

Work with Experts to Navigate and Remediate Safely

An agency like Kingfluencers has the expertise to help you navigate influencer marketing, work to avoid problems, and react quickly and effectively to mitigate damage in the event of an issue.

Having experts to rely on is always helpful, but particularly in a stressful crisis situation.

CIH Campaign

Zeki, one of the largest influencers in Switzerland, made fun of an attack on LGBTQ TikTokers which occurred earlier this year at a train station. Due to Kingfluencer’s reaction, he realized his mockery was wrong, and responded by apologizing and creating content for the CIH to raise awareness. This showcases how professionals can help guide the industry to its maximum potential and assure that social influence remains a source of information and information and a force for good and positive outcomes for brands and consumers alike.

Author: Megan Bozman, Owner @Boz Content Marketing

Free Ebook – How to make influencer marketing work for your brand

With influencer marketing showcasing best-in-class ROI figures, it is becoming increasingly attractive for companies. IM has proven to be an efficient way to reach your target audience, and a powerful tool to help your brand get even closer to consumers.

According to the Swiss Influencer Marketing Report 2020, about half of the marketing managers surveyed estimate the return on investment of their influencer campaigns to date to be higher than with alternative forms of advertising. Influencer- and user-generated content are among eMarkterer’s transformative developments that ought to be on your radar in 2021.

Influencer marketing can make people feel closer to your brand and develop a strong preference for it.

  • 92% of consumers trust an influencer more than any form of advertising
  • 87% of consumers made purchases based on influencer recommendations

How to make influencer marketing work for your brand

Interested in learning practical tips on how to make influencer marketing work for your brand? Download our free ebook below!

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