Free Ebook - How to make influencer marketing work for your brand

With influencer marketing showcasing best-in-class ROI figures, it is becoming increasingly attractive for companies. IM has proven to be an efficient way to reach your target audience, and a powerful tool to help your brand get even closer to consumers.

According to the Swiss Influencer Marketing Report 2020, about half of the marketing managers surveyed estimate the return on investment of their influencer campaigns to date to be higher than with alternative forms of advertising. Influencer- and user-generated content are among eMarkterer’s transformative developments that ought to be on your radar in 2021.

Influencer marketing can make people feel closer to your brand and develop a strong preference for it.

  • 92% of consumers trust an influencer more than any form of advertising
  • 87% of consumers made purchases based on influencer recommendations

How to make influencer marketing work for your brand

Interested in learning practical tips on how to make influencer marketing work for your brand? Download our free ebook below!

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